Electrotechnical Metrology

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Electrical measuring instruments have applications in all kinds of industries, from food and pharma to automotive and manufacturing. Hence, the calibration of these electrical instruments plays a significant role in ensuring safety and quality in these industries. It is also mandated by regulation for certain industries to have their instruments and devices calibrated at periodic intervals. Calibration ensures that the measurement values given by these devices are true to the value and hence ensure smooth operations. Calibration also guarantees the traceability of the measurements.

Our laboratory is climate controlled, with the temperature maintained between 252oC and 75% and the humidity between 45% and 75%. Our electro-technical calibration lab is equipped with state-of-the-art test benches for the lab standards. Master equipment with traceability to national or international standards is available for the calibration of instruments.

S.N.Source / MeasureInstruments NameParameter to be calibratedRangeStandard Used
1SourceMultifunction / Multiproduct Calibrator (Fluke – 9100, 5080, 5500, 5502, 5520, 5522, 5530) Transmile / Zeal 

Process Calibrator
Power Supply
Voltage Source
Current Source
High Current Source
1. AC Voltage
2. AC Current
3. DC Voltage
4. DC Current
5. Frequency
6. Resistance
7. Capacitance
8. Tempertaure Simulation (RTD & Thermocouple)
9. Scope
10. DC Power
11. AC Power
12. Power Factor / Phase Angle
1. 10 µV to 1000 V @ 50 Hz to 10 kHz
2. 10 µA to 120 A @50 Hz to 10 kHz
3. 10 µV to 1000 V
4. 1 µA to 100 A
5. 100 mHz to 2 MHz
6. 1mΩ to 1 GΩ
7. 1 pF to 100 μF @ 1 kHz
8. Thermocouple (All Types):  -250 ℃ to 2300 ℃
RTD (All Types):  -200 ℃ to 800 ℃
9. Time Marker (Oscilloscope):  10 nsec to 5 sec
DC Amplitude (Oscilloscope):  1.25 mV to 100 V
AC Amplitude (Oscilloscope):  5 mV to 100 V
Bandwidth ((Oscilloscope):  50 kHz to 1000 MHz
10. 1 mW to 20 kW
11.  0.3 mW to 20 kW (1000 V / 20 A)
12. 0.01 to UPF @ 50 Hz
(1 phase – (10V to 650V), (0.01 A to 20 A))
1. Fluke 8508A (8.5 DMM)
2. Fluke 8846A (6.5 DMM)
3. AC Measurement Standard (Fluke 5790B)
4. Keysight LCR meter
5. Ykogawa Precision Power Analyzer
6. Zera (3 Ph Reference Standard
7. Keysight Universal Frequency Counter
8. Keysight USB R F Power Sensor
2SourceH igh Voltage Source / Oil BDV TesterAC & DC High Voltage1 k V to 100 kv @ 50 Hz
1 kV to 100 kV
 Moonlight & R E – Capacitive Voltage Divider
3SourceFrequency Generator / Signal Generator 1. Frequency
2. RF Power
3. Time Period
1.100 mHz to 6 GHz
2. (100 kHz to 6 GHz):  -42 dBm (5 mVpp) to 21 dBm (7.09 Vpp)
3. 1 nsec to 1 sec
1. Keysight Universal Frequency Counter
2. Keysight USB R F Power Sensor
4SourceResistance Box / Standard Resitor
Capacitance Box / Standard Capacitor
Inductance Box / Stanadar Inductor 
1. Resitance (DC)
2. Resistance (@1 kHz)
3. Capacitance (@1 kHz)
4. Inductance (@1 kHz)
1. 1mΩ to 20 GΩ
2. 1 Ω to 100 kΩ
3. 1 pF to 100 μF
4. 100 µH to 10 H
1. Fluke 8508A (8.5 DMM)
2. Fluke 8846A (6.5 DMM)
3. Keysight LCR meter
4. Fluke 5522A
5aMeasure Precision Multimeter (8.5 / 7.5 / 6.5)
Digital Multimeter (upto 5.5 digit)
Clamp Meter
1. AC Voltage
2. AC Current
2b. A C High Current
3. DC Voltage
4. DC Current
5. Frequency
6. Resistance
7. Capacitance
8. Tempertaure Simulation (RTD )
1. 10 µV to 1000 V @ 50 Hz to 10 kHz
2a. 10 µA to 120 A @50 Hz to 10 kHz
2b. 10 µA to  1 kA / 2 kA / 3 kA / 6 kA @ 50 Hz
3. 10 µV to 1000 V
4. 1 µA to 100 A / 2 kA
5. 100 mHz to 10 MHz
6. 0.1 mΩ to 20 GΩ
7. 1 pF to 100 μF @ 1 kHz
8. RTD (All Types):  -200 ℃ to 800 ℃
1. MFC Fluke (5730 / 5522A)
2. Transconductance Amplifier (Fluke 52120)
3.  DC Reference Standard (Fluke 732 C)
4. Reference Divider (Fluke 752A)
5. DRB (8400)
5bVoltmeter / Ampere meter / Frequency meter / Power Factor meter / Phase Angle meter / VFD meter / Multifunction meter 1. MFC Fluke (5080 )
6Measure milli ohm meter / megaohm meter / micro ohm meter / Earth Tester / Insulation Tester / CRM Meter / TWRM meter / Resistance0.1 mΩ to 500 GΩ (upto 5 kV)1. MFC Fluke ( 5522A)
2. DRB (8400)
7Measure Power Meter / Power Analyzer / Energy Meter (Class: 0.2, 0.5, 1.0) / Reference Energy Logger (Class: 0.02, 0.05 and coarser) 1. DC Power
2. AC Power/Energy
3. Power Factor:
1. 1 mW to 20 kW
2. 0.3 mW/mWh to 172.8 kW/kWh
3.  0.01 to UPF
1. Zera 3 Ph Ref Std (COM 3003 / COM 3000)
2. Zera AC Voltage / Current Source (MT551)
8Measure LCR Meter / Smart Tweezer1. Resistance (@1 kHz)
2. Capacitance (@1 kHz)
3. Inductance (@1 kHz)
1. 1 Ω to 100 kΩ
2. 1 pF to 100 μF
3. 100 µH to 10 H
1. Keysight LCR meter
2. DRB
3. Standard Capacitance
4.Standard Inductance Box
9Measure Temperature Indicator / Controller / Data Logger / Data Acquisition Switch UnitTempertaure Simulation (RTD & Thermocouple)Thermocouple (All Types):  -250 ℃ to 2300 ℃
RTD (All Types):  -200 ℃ to 800 ℃
1. MFC Fluke ( 5522A)
10Measure H igh Voltage Divider / H V ProbeAC & DC High Voltage1 k V to 100 kv @ 50 Hz
1 kV to 100 kV
 Moonlight & R E – Capacitive Voltage Divider
11Measure Current Transformer / BridgeRatio Error & Phase Error1A to 3200A (Primary)
1A to 5A (Secondary)
Turn Ratio: 1 to 600 Turns
1. Eltel / Moonlight CT
2. Eltel / AITTS (Bridge)
12Measure Potential Transformer  / BridgeRatio Error & Phase Error1.1 kV to 132 kV (Primary)
110 V to 110 /√3 V (Secondary)
Turn Ratio: 1 to 600 Turns
1. Moonlight PT
2. Eltel / AITTS (Bridge)
13Measure Tesla Meter/Gauss Meter / AC Magnet / DC Magnet1. AC Magnetic Field @ 50 Hz
2. DC Magnetic Field 
1. 0.1 Gauss to 2000 Gauss
2. 100 Gauss to 10000 Gauss
1. Tesla meter
2. EMF Tester
3. D C Reference Magnet
4. AC Electro Magnet
14Measure Oscilloscope1. Time Marker
2. DC Amplitude
3. AC Amplitude  (1 kHz to 10 kHz)
4. Bandwidth  
1. 10 nsec to 5 sec
2. 1.25 mV to 100 V
3. 5 mV to 100 V
4. 50 kHz to 1000 MHz
1. MFC Fluke ( 5522A)
15Measure Time Calibrator / Timer / Stop watch / Hour meterTime Interval10 secto 9999 sec Zeal Time Interval Meter


  • AC/DC Reference Standards
  • Multifunction calibrators (with options)
  • Thermocouple Calibrators
  • Process Calibrators
  • Digital Multimeters (up to 8 1/2 digit)
  • Data Loggers
  • All type of Panel Meters
  • Clamp Meters
  • Resistance Standards
  • Decade Resistance Boxes
  • High current Shunts
  • HV Mega Ohm Boxes
  • Micro Ohm Meters
  • Meggers Insulation testers
  • Transformer Winding Resistance Meters
  • Kelvin Bridges, Primary & Secondary Injection Kits
  • Relay test kits
  • Transformer Oil Break Down Testers
  • HV Break Down Testers
  • Power/ Energy Calibrators/ Sources
  • Power Analyzers (1 & 3- Phase)
  • Energy meters
  • Trivector Meters
  • Watt meters
  • Power Factor Meters
  • Frequency Meters
  • Current Transformers (up to 3200Amp)
  • Potential Transformers (up to 33kV)
  • Frequency Counters
  • Signal Generators (Frequency/ Amplitude up to 1GHz)
  • Oscilloscope
  • Timers/ Stop watches
  • Inductance Boxes, Capacitance Boxes, AC Resistance Boxes,
  • LCR Meters
  • Gauss Meters
  • Magnetic field transformer
  • AC/DC Voltage: 10 uV to 40 kV
  • AC/DC High Voltage
  • AC/DC Current: 1 nA to 6000A
  • DC Power: 10V-1000V/5mA-1000A
  • AC Power/Energy (1&3 phase): 10V-1000V/ 5mA -1000
  • Transformer Turn Ratio
  • Ratio Error & Phase Error
  • Power Factor: 0.01 to 1
  • Resistance: 1 mΩ to 500 GΩ
  • Frequency/Period: 0.01 Hz to 15 GHz
  • Capacitance: 100pF to 100 μF
  • Time Interval: 1 millisecond to 24Hrs
  • Temperature Simulation for all RTDs & Thermocouples: 200°C to 2300°C
  • Inductance: 10 μH to 100H
  • Oscilloscope: up to 1.1 GHz Bandwidth
  • RF Power: -40 to 30dB (10 kHz to 6 GHz)
  • 0.01 ppb GPS Controlled Rubidium Frequency Standard (Primary Level)
  • 0.3 ppm DC Voltage Reference Standard (Primary Level)
  • 15 ppm AC Measurement System (Primary Level)
  • 3.5 ppm High Performance Multi-Function Calibrator
  • 3.5 ppm High Performance Reference Multimeter
  • 100 ppm Power Energy Reference Standard
  • Standard CT of Accuracy Class 0.02, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5. 1.0 up to 3200 Amp
  • Standard VT of Accuracy Class 0.2, 0.5, 1.0 up to 33kV

FARE Labs provides ISO/IEC 17025 training to students pursuing graduation/post-graduation from various universities and institutes. Hands-on training to the staff provides them an opportunity to understand the working of sophisticated instruments.  Our comprehensive training programs are designed to provide in depth knowledge of Indian and International standards focusing on quality management systems and technical competence for laboratories. Join us at FARE Labs Pvt. Ltd. to become a qualified professional in a rapidly evolving field of testing and calibration.

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