Analysis of Dioxins and Furans Lab

HomeServicesFSSAI APPROVED TESTING LABAnalysis of Dioxins and Furans Lab

Dioxins and furans are highly toxic environmental pollutants belonging to the group of persistent organic pollutants (POPs). The term “dioxins and dioxin-like substances” commonly refers to polychlorinated dibenzodioxins (PCDDs), polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). PCDD and PCDFs are environmental contaminants detectable in almost all compartments of the global ecosystem in trace amounts. These compounds can originate from various industrial processes, such as waste incineration, chemical manufacturing, and paper bleaching. They are formed as by-products of numerous industrial activities and all combustion processes. Besides the anthropogenic sources of PCDD/PCDF, an enzyme-mediated formation of PCDD and PCDF from 2,4,5- and 3,4,5-trichlorophenol has been demonstrated to be responsible for their biogenic formation. Due to their persistence and ability to bio-accumulate, dioxins and furans pose significant health risks to humans and wildlife, making their detection and control critical.


Dioxins and furans are highly toxic environmental pollutants belonging to the group of persistent organic pollutants (POPs). The term “dioxins and dioxin-like substances” commonly refers to polychlorinated dibenzodioxins (PCDDs), polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). PCDD and PCDFs are environmental contaminants detectable in almost all compartments of the global ecosystem in trace amounts. These compounds can originate from various industrial processes, such as waste incineration, chemical manufacturing, and paper bleaching. They are formed as by-products of numerous industrial activities and all combustion processes. Besides the anthropogenic sources of PCDD/PCDF, an enzyme-mediated formation of PCDD and PCDF from 2,4,5- and 3,4,5-trichlorophenol has been demonstrated to be responsible for their biogenic formation. Due to their persistence and ability to bio-accumulate, dioxins and furans pose significant health risks to humans and wildlife, making their detection and control critical.

Regulatory agencies worldwide have established stringent limits for dioxin and furan levels in various environmental matrices, food products, and industrial emissions. Regular monitoring and accurate detection of these contaminants are vital for compliance with environmental regulations and for protecting human health.

Maximum Permissible limit (Relative to a feed with a moisture content of 12 %)
Product indented for animal feed Dioxins (Sum of PCDD/Fs) (ng/kg) Sum of PCDD/Fs and DL- PCBs (ng/kg) Non-dioxin-like PCBs (ng/kg)
Feed materials of plant origin 0.75 1.25 10
Vegetable oils and their by-products 0.75 1.5 10
Feed materials of mineral origin 0.75 1.0 10
Animal fat, including milk fat and egg fat 1.50 2.0 10
Other land animal products including milk, milk products and eggs, egg products 0.75 1.25 10
Fish oil 5.0 20.0 10

Data expressed in World Health Organisation (WHO) toxic equivalents, using the WHO-TEFs (toxic equivalency factors, 2005)

Our advanced analytical techniques allow for the precise quantification of these compounds in environment and food samples at trace levels, ensuring compliance with ISO 17025:2017 and regulatory guidelines. Our capabilities include:

  • Advanced Instrumentation: Our laboratory is equipped with GC-MS/MS (High Efficiency Source), ensuring the highest sensitivity and specificity in detecting dioxins and furans.
  • FARE Labs provides expert sampling services for dioxins-furans as per MoEFCC. Some of them include:

 Sampling for Ambient Air / Fugitive emission samples Sampling (24 hrs using PUF    HVS) of Ambient Air for Dioxin-Furan (17 congeners of PCDDs-PCDFs)

   Source Emission MonitoringSampling of emission from stationary source for    Dioxin-Furan (17 congeners of PCDDs-PCDFs) using Manual Sampling Kit

  • Experienced Team: Our team of highly skilled and experienced scientists and technicians are proficient in handling complex analytical procedures and interpreting results accurately.
  • Quality Assurance: We adhere to stringent quality control protocols and participate in international proficiency testing programs to ensure the reliability and accuracy of our results.
  • Regulatory Compliance: FARE Labs ensures that our detection methods comply with national and international regulatory requirements, including those set by the US EPA, EU, and WHO.


FARE Labs Pvt. Ltd. is committed to providing reliable and accurate dioxin and furan detection services to help industries and regulatory bodies ensure environmental safety and public health. Analysis of dioxins/furans in FARE Labs is done using the GC-MS/MS (High Efficiency Source) instrument including PCDDs/PCDFs ensuring their precise and reliable detection. Experience excellence in testing with FARE Labs Pvt. Ltd. – where precision meets safety. Join industry leaders who rely on our expertise to ensure their products are free from harmful residues and safe for consumption.

FARE Labs provides ISO/IEC 17025 training to students pursuing graduation/post-graduation from various universities and institutes. Hands-on training to the staff provides them an opportunity to understand the working of sophisticated instruments.  Our comprehensive training programs are designed to provide in depth knowledge of Indian and International standards focusing on quality management systems and technical competence for laboratories. Join us at FARE Labs Pvt. Ltd. to become a qualified professional in a rapidly evolving field of testing and calibration.

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