Thermal Metrology

HomeServicesCalibration & Research DivisionThermal Metrology


Fixed point cells are the most accurate devices available for defining a temperature scale. Fixed point cells are designed to realize the liquid-solid equilibrium temperatures of certain high purity metal elements, for calibration of thermometers at ITS-90 fixed points. 

Typically, only national metrological institutes provide such kind of calibration facilities, however FARE Labs also has the primary fixed point calibration facility. 

We Calibrate SPRTs and other Precision Resistance Thermometers by fixed point cells at the following points:

  • Liquid Nitrogen (-196.075 °C)
  • Triple Point of Water (0.01°C)
  • Freezing Point of Gallium (29.7646°C)
  • Freezing Point of Tin (231.928°C)
  • Freezing Point of Zinc (419.527°C)
  • Freezing Point of Aluminium(660.323°C)
S.N.Instruments NameParameter to be calibratedRangeDC Voltage, temperature
1PRT, SPRT, SSPRTResistance, Temperature7 calibration spot
-196 °C = BP N2 (5 mK)
-38 °C = TP Hg (2 mK)
0.01 °C= TP H2O (1.4 mK)
29 °C = MP Ga (2.4 mK)
231 °C = FP Tin (3.6 mK)
419 °C = FP Zn (4.3 mK)
660 °C = FP Al (5.7 mK)
Fluke Fix Point Bath
Fluke SPRT,
Fluke Super Thermometer
2Standard Thermocouple DC Voltage, Temerature0 to 1554  °C (0.25 C to 1.2 C)Fluke  SPRT,
Fluke  S Type Thermocouple,
Fluke  Super DAQ
Fluke  High Precision Dry Well
Fluke Horizontal Temperature Furnace
Carbollite Furnace
3Liquid In Glass Thermometer / Min Max Thermometer / Dry Wet Bulb Thermometer / Sling Psychrometer / IP Thermometer Temperature by Comparison method-80 °C to 300 °CFluke SPRT
Fluke Super Thermometer
 Alcohol Bath
Water Bath
Oil Bath 
4High-temperature furnace ,Muffle, Temperature Calibrator, Dry Block CalibratorTemperature by Comparison method-180 °C to 660 °C (0.02 C)Fluke  SPRT
Fluke Super Thermometer
Fluke Ultra Cooling  Dry Well Bath
Isotech Bath (-180 C to – 80 C Variable)
5Thermocouples with and Without
Temperature by Comparison method0 to 1554  °CFluke SPRT,
S Type Thermocouple,
Fluke Super DAQ
Fluke High Precision Dry Well
Fluke Horizontal Temperature Furnace
Carbollite Furnace
6IRThermometer /IRGun/ Radiation
Pyrometer / Thermal Imager
Temperature by Comparison method-32 °C to 2900 °CIR-Calibrator
Spherical Saturn
High-Temperature Balck Body Source (Lumascense)
Standard Pyrometer
Fluke PRT
Fluke 6½ Digit DMM
7Temperature Source(Stability and Uniformity)Environment Chamber,  Furnace, Walk in Chiller, BOD, Incubator, Oven, Refrigerator, Deep Freezer, Liquid Bath, Water Bath, -180 °C to 660 °CFluke SSPRT (2 nos)
Fluke Super Thermometer
Liquid Bath, oven, water bath, Temperature Calibrator, Dry Block Calibrator100 °C to 1200 °CTwo -S/N type T/C
Fluke 6½ Digit DMM
Fluke Super DAQ
8Indicator of Baths/ Dry Block Calibrators/ Furnace/ Chambers / Ovens / Furnace / Refrigerator / Deep Freezer / Liquid Bath / Water BathTemperature by Comparison method – Single Sensor-180 °C to 1200 °CFluke SSPRT
S/RType T/C,
Fluke 6½ Digit DMM
Fluke DAQ
9 Mapping of Temperature sourceslight chamber
Standarf LUX meter 
-80 °C to 1200 °CFluke DAQ, RTD, Thermocouple (9 / 15 sensors)
10Black body Source/ IRThermal
Source/ Black body Cavity /Emissivity
Single point, Comparison method-32 °C to 2900 °CTransfer Standard IR Pyrometers
Fluke PRT
Fluke 6½ Digit DMM 
11I RThermometer /I R Gun/ Radiation
Pyrometer / Thermal Imager
Temperature, Comparison method-15 °C to 2900 °CIR-Calibrator
Standard Pyrometer
Fluke PRT
Fluke 6½ Digit DMM
12Humidity Chamber (Display of Chamber )Humidity Chamber/ Environmental
Chamber / Humidity Generator / Conditioning Chamber 
(10 to 95)%RH@25⁰C  
(10 to 50)⁰C@50%RH
Fluke Digital Thermohygrometer
13Humidity Chamber (Mapping of Chamber )Humidity Chamber/ Environmental
Chamber / Humidity Generator / Conditioning Chamber 
(10 to 95)%RH@25⁰C  
(10 to 50)⁰C@50%RH
Migo Datalogger
Humidity Meter/
Digital Hygrometer / Thermo-Hygrometer/ Data Logger
Relative Humidity @ 25 C
Temperature @ 50 % RH
(10 to 95)%RH@25⁰C  
(10 to 50)⁰C@50%RH
Fluke Digital Thermohygrometer
Fluke Humidity Chamber
Spherical Saturn
High Temperature Balck Body Source (Lumascense)
Standard Pyrometer
Fluke PRT
Fluke 6½ Digit DMM
Optical (Lux)1 lux to 19500 luxDigital Lux Meter / LightMeter /
Illuminance meter


Thermocouple thermometry is performed in the high temperature section using noble and base metal thermocouples in the range of 0°C to 1600°C. Sources such as Horizontal Temperature furnace and High temperature standard furnace are used for the calibration. R-type, S-type & N-type thermocouples are used as standards for the comparison.

Humidity meters, RHT sensors, Digital Hygrometers & Data loggers are calibrated in this section in the range of 10% to 95% RH & 10°C to 50°C. Humidity generators from FLUKE and humidity chambers are used as sources for the calibration in this section. Digital Thermo Hygrometer with indicator is used as the standard.

IR – Thermometers, Thermal Imagers & optical pyrometers in the range of -15°C to 3000°C are calibrated in this section. FARE Labs is one of the very few labs in India to be able to perform non-contact calibration over such a huge range of temperatures, including below 0°C non-contact calibration.

Sources such as High precision IR calibrator, spherical black body source and High temperature radiation pyrometer are used in this section. Pyrometers, IR guns, IR pyrometers & Thermal imagers are used as standards for the calibration in the pyrometry section.

FARE Labs provides ISO/IEC 17025 training to students pursuing graduation/post-graduation from various universities and institutes. Hands-on training to the staff provides them an opportunity to understand the working of sophisticated instruments.  Our comprehensive training programs are designed to provide in depth knowledge of Indian and International standards focusing on quality management systems and technical competence for laboratories. Join us at FARE Labs Pvt. Ltd. to become a qualified professional in a rapidly evolving field of testing and calibration.

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